The dilated portion of the eye exam lets your eye doctor get a better look at the retinas and optic nerves using magnifying lenses and special light sources.
What is an optomap eye exam? During a comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor evaluates the retinas, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eyes. To view the full retina, your doctor may dilate your pupils or use optomap technology....
About complications of diabetes:Diabetes that is not controlled can lead to complications such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), neuropathy, and retinopathy. You will also learn how to prevent conditions that may happen with diabetes, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. ...
Diabetic retinopathy If your child has no risk factors for eye problems, they should get theirvisionchecked as anewbornand again at every regular health visit. By the time they’re 3, it will be easier for the doctor to assess theireyes. After the first grade, they should geteye testseve...
Diabetic Eye Care Diabetic retinopathy can occur in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. The longer a person has had diabetes, the higher their chances of having some form of diabetic retinopathy. Retinopathy is present in 90% of those who have had the disease for more than 20 years. ...
Eye surgery, such as cataract removal An eye injury such as a tear or hole in the retina An eye infection An eye disease, such as glaucoma Diabetic retinopathy or eye cancerWhat are the symptoms of retinal detachment?Symptoms usually happen suddenly. You may have any of the following:Seeing...
What does a contact lens exam involve? A contact lens exam is more than just a regular eye exam. The eye doctor will evaluate your vision, take precise measurements of the size and curvature of your eyes, and ensure your eyes aren’t too dry for contacts. They will then determine the ...
These groups (or "islands") of cells are called islet (EYE-let) cells. One type of islet cell is called a beta (BAY-ta) cell. Beta cells are responsible for producing a hormone called insulin. The human body needs insulin to function, because insulin helps the body use food for ...
Diabetes: Foot Exam: Patient is 18-75 years old with diabetes and due for foot exam. Resolved by: Record aDiabetic foot exam (visual, sensory, and pulse)in theScreenings/Interventions/Assessmentssection with a status ofPerformed.Learn More ...
Vision and Eye Exam Insurance: What's Accepted and Making the Most of Your Benefits It is important to understand how to make the most of your vision plan so you do not end up with unused benefits at the end of the year! Pearle Vision eyecare experts are ready to help you understand ...