what's the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes? How can you manage diabetes? What is the best diet for a diabetic person? Is the keto diet good for diabetics? Type 2 diabetes food list How to reduce blood sugar levels...
@fBoyle-- I have type two diabetes and I don't eat rice at all. I eat bread and potatoes in moderation but those are not recommended either in a diabetic diet meal plan. Rice, potatoes and bread all have a high glycemic index. So they raise blood sugar very rapidly. Brown rice and...
1. Weight Loss :This gourd is absolutely in calories and carbs, thus making it a very virtuous choice for those onlow-calandlow-carb diet. It has a high moisture content and decent amount of fiber. All this together helps to satiate you for long hours while consuming just a few calories...
A glucose spike, also known as a blood sugar spike, is a sharp, marked rise in the amount of glucose in your blood, typically followed by a comparable decline, also known as a dip or crash. While it is normal for your glucose to rise and fall many times throughout the day, a true...
What is a No Sugar Diet? Discussion Comments ByWisedly33— On Jan 21, 2014 There is no doubt that following a good diabetic diet can reduce, or even prevent, a lot of the nasty complications that can follow uncontrolled diabetes.
Diabetic gastroparesis is a diabetes complication in which the stomach muscles stop working well or at all, slowing down how quickly food leaves your stomach to your intestine. It can make you feel queasy and vomit and is bad for your blood sugar levels. Although diabetic gastroparesis is more...
Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy and it is reversed after birth. In some cases gestational diabetes might develop in diabetes after birth. With exercise and proper diet you can control your diabetes and live a normal life. Read more aboutdiet for people with diabetes. ...
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a group of different types of heart disease. Common heart disease symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, light-headedness, and dizziness. Heart disease has many causes, including genetics, atherosc
When using a meter that gives plasma glucose levels, the target goal before a meal is between 90 mg/dl and 130 mg/dl3. Almost every diabetic will take insulin, but Type 2 diabetes’ severity can be reduced with some major lifestyle changes. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and ...
Focus on eating the correct diet for diabetics. The correct diet for a diabetic is low sugar items and items with high dietary fiber. This should be discussed with your doctor as he can give you the best information. Avoid foods that are high in fat and refrain fromconsuming alcohol, becau...