However these are difficult to cost due to a lack of data on current service provision, leading to challenges with commissioning.We set out to characterise our IBD service in a District General Hospital (DGH) setting, having recently implemented a new pathway to streamline the service. A second...
Leading to aggravation of underlying conditions, distress for patient and family and poor overall quality of life.ObjectivesStudy the range of GI problems in cohort of patients with chronic neurodisability in a District General Hospital (DGH).Study range of treatments offered and possible practice ...
As discussions about junior doctors' training and duty hours continue, we have looked at the actual 'on take' case load and case mix of a medical senior house officer (SHO) in a district general hospital (DGH) over a six-month period. In our DGH, on a one in four rota, exposure to...
Medical College Hospital 1 3rd phase sub- total 8 2.3. Data analysis With the respondents’ approval, interviews were recorded, and a note taker also provided handwritten notes during the interviews. Full transcripts of the interview were prepared from these records and notes in Bangla and checked...
parnodceinsscoarnpdorinacteorfpacotroartsetfhaacttoarrsetshuastcaerpetisbulsecteoptthibeledteotrtihmeednetatrliemffeencttasloefffSeActCsTofoSnAwCoTuonnd wheoaulinndgh[1e]a.liTnhge[l1a]t.teTrhsetalagtetse,rpsrtaogliefesr, aptrioolnifaenradtiroenmaonddelrleinmgoadreellainlsgo aimrepaalscoteidmbp...
Our experience over a sevenyear period was that BMI alone should not be a limiting factor for the surgeon to performLIHRas day case procedure. Elective "True Day Case" Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair in a District General Hospital: Lessons Learned from 1000 Consecutive Cases ...
G191(P)Two decades of coeliac disease in a districtgeneral hospital in england: What has changed?Aim To determine the changes in clinical presentation of Coeliac Disease in children aged less than 16 years over a period of 20 years (January 1996 to December 2015) at a DGH in England ...
As discussions about junior doctors' training and duty hours continue, we have looked at the actual 'on take' case load and case mix of a medical senior house officer (SHO) in a district general hospital (DGH) over a six-month period. In our DGH, on a one in four rota, exposure to...