On most trading platforms provided by centralized crypto exchanges (CEX), aside from a price chart, a “depth chart” is also displayed. A depth chart is a tool for understanding thesupply and demandof cryptocurrency at agivenmomentfor a range of prices. It is a visual representation of ano...
A chart is a visual representation of data, allowing you to easily understand and interpret information. It uses different types of graphical elements such as bars, lines, or pie slices to present data in a structured and organized manner. ...
How do I use it? A chart is a representation of data in the form of a graph, diagram, map, or tabular format. This could make the other two families, Geospatial and Tables, subfamilies of it. We distinguish between them to help you identify when one works better for your data. Consi...
A donut chart is a type of pie chart that features a hole in the center, similar to a donut. Donut charts present categories in the form of arcs instead of slices.
WHAT DEPTH CHART MIGHT LOOK LIKE Unlike Last Year, Names Familiar to WSU FansTo avoid all unnecessary consternation, it should be noted: Thisis not an official depth...Caple, Christian
Picture map charts are the eye candy of the chart world. Their aesthetic allure is undeniable, and they have an innate ability to convey complex information visually and engagingly. However, beneath their surface beauty, they may lack the depth and explanatory power that certain data sets demand...
It is a common method of data visualization design to express the strength and size of the index value by the depth of the color. The user can see at a glance which part of the indicator data value is more prominent. Examples:
What is the infographic definition? WebFX explains what infographics are, their history, and how you can make one yourself!
A scatter plot or scatter chart shouldn’t trouble you if you know how to plotX and Y coordinates. Simply plot the independent variable on the X-axis and the dependent variable on the Y-axis. The points at the intersection of the coordinates represent your data. But a trend line is typi...
Sierra Chart is a professional Trading platform for the financial markets. Supporting Manual, Automated and Simulated Trading.