DENTAL therapeuticsGREAT Britain. National Health ServiceDENTAL feesGENERAL Dental Council (Great Britain)Vital is an innovative dental team magazine that educates, informs and entertains dental care professionals across the UKdoi:10.1038/vital1131Michael Watson...
UDA User-Defined Attribute UDA Undocumented Alien (US Border Patrol) UDA Université des Ainés (French: University of Elders; Belgium) UDA Université d'Auvergne (French: University of Auvergne; France) UDA Unit of Dental Activity UDA Undivided Attention UDA User-Defined Assessment (software) UDA ...
I am an old client (swede) and I have always been very satisfied with the clinic. The only disadvantage is the staircase leading to the clinic which is hard to enter when you get older. Family Dentist Consultation¥82-¥165 Dental Crowns¥1320-¥2310 ...
dental "defect" and bring back an elegant smile to my wife's lips. Firstly, my wife prefers a female Dentist for her dental needs. Secondly, we are familiar with the location of Azura Dental Clinic at Dataran Larkin and parking convenience. Thirdly, there is more than 1 dentist available....
the motile cilium, the so-called primary cilium, which appears and functions as a cell antenna of renal cells and cells throughout the human body (Fig.1) [3,4]. Structurally, the primary cilium is composed of a basal body from which the cilium initially assembles, a transition zone that...
In medicine, inflammation is a fuzzy, overused word first coined by the Romans, the intended meaning and precise definition of which varies according to the person and the clinical context. It tends to carry a negative connotation as a response gone awry, like a raging, out-of-control wildfir...