Decoctions are typically prepared to treat severe or prolonged illnesses that require more potent medicinal compounds otherwise unavailable via infusion. Most recipes that require decoction typically involve the use of roots, barks or seeds that act as demulcents, diaphoretics (substances that induce ...
If it is caused by a bacterial an infection that requires antibiotics, it more than likely won’t go away till that infection is handled. You can add honey to your tea, or you’ll find a way to simply eat a spoonful of it too. A spoonful of honey may be all the medicine you want...
What is Sore Throat? Sore throat is the pain, scratchiness, or irritation of the throat, which often worsens when swallowing. The most common cause is a viral infection like cold, flu, mononucleosis, measles, chickenpox, COID-19 disease, and croup. Normally, a sore throat caused by a viru...