Disney has released a new trailer for the upcoming animated film, “Moana 2”, which reunites Moana and the demigod Maui three years after the events of the first film for an expansive new voyage alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers. After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding an...
[Who We Are/简介]· What’s Popping is a newscast that focuses on the latest American pop news that piques your interest. Your host Jayden selects and reads a news piece for you and helps you keep abreast of everything pop! Prick up your rabbit ears and jump right into the rabbit ...
“Moana 2”reunites Moana and the demigod Maui three years after the events of the first film for an expansive new voyage alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers. After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding ancestors, Moana must journey to the far seas of Oceania and into dangerous,...
Easily one of my favourite modern animated movies and sees Moana answer the oceans call, taking to the seas to save her people from a terrible curse. The movie features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the Demigod Maui and his character really adds some great comedy moments. Moana delivers a ...
13) Moana Easily one of my favourite modern animated movies and sees Moana answer the call of the ocean, taking to the seas to save her people from a terrible curse. The movie features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the Demigod Maui and his character really adds some great comedy moments...
Disney has released a new trailer for the upcoming animated film, “Moana 2”, which reunites Moana and the demigod Maui three years after the events of the first film for an expansive new voyage alongside a crew of unlikely seafarers. After receiving an unexpected call from her wayfinding an...
14) Moana Easily one of my favourite modern animated movies and sees Moana answer the call of the ocean, taking to the seas to save her people from a terrible curse. The movie features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the Demigod Maui and his character really adds some great comedy moments...
13) Moana Easily one of my favourite modern animated movies and sees Moana answer the call of the ocean, taking to the seas to save her people from a terrible curse. The movie features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the Demigod Maui and his character really adds some great comedy moments...
25) Moana Easily one of my favourite modern animated movies and sees Moana answer the call of the ocean, taking to the seas to save her people from a terrible curse. The movie features Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as the Demigod Maui and his character really adds some great comedy moments...