What Is a Deferred Tax Asset? A deferred tax asset is an asset recorded on the balance sheet as the difference between an internal accounting balance and taxes owed. In cases where your company pays its taxes in full but still gets a tax deduction, that unused deduction is deferred to futu...
deferredtaxassets所得税carryforwardsnol AccountingforDeferredTaxAssets(9/29/00) ©2000bytheCenterforFinancialResearchandAnalysis,Inc.(CFRA) 1 AccountingforDeferredTaxAssets,9/29/00 InaSeptember2000reportonConcordCameraCorp.(“LENS”),CFRAcitedthereversalofthe DeferredTaxAssetValuationAllowanceaccountasamajor...
1. Describe what unearned revenue is and where it is reported in financial statements. 2. Provide an example as well of an accrued revenue. What is a deferred tax asset and why might one be created? What is a condensed income statement?
deferred tax liability What is Deferred Tax Asset? A deferred tax asset can be found on the tax balance sheets of a company as an item that is due to be credited as tax returns. A deferred tax asset occurs when a company pays a tax amount that is greater than its tax liabilities. In...
What is taxable compensation? What do retained earnings tell you? What are stock fundamentals? What is a trust fund? What is capital stock? What is the book value of an asset? What is financial liquidity? What is a brokerage account?
Deferred Exchange A deferred or delayed exchange is the most common type of 1031 exchange and occurs when you sell one property and then buy the new one days, weeks, or months later. And that makes sense. It takes time for funds to clear in your account, title companies to research the...
is comprehensive in its coverage or that it is suitable in dealing with a customer’s particular situation. Intuit Inc. does not have any responsibility for updating or revising any information presented herein. Accordingly, the information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for ...
What is the Debt Market? What is a Debt/Asset Ratio? Discussion Comments Bysunshine31— On Jul 21, 2010 Sauteepan- I had unsubsidized loans in college, but luckily I was able to pay them back in a reasonable time. I wanted to add that I love the deferred payment options that some ...
Tax-deferred asset growth Current-period tax deduction Cons Balances are not protected in case of company bankruptcy The money is not available until retirement No way to borrow against balance There are, however, some drawbacks. Disadvantages of Deferred Compensation ...
What Is a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan (DPSP)? A deferred profit sharing plan (DPSP) is a Canadian employer-sponsored profit-sharing plan intended to help employees save forretirement. The money in an employee’s DPSP account grows on atax-deferredbasis until it is withdrawn. ...