What Is a Decent Credit Score to Buy a Car? A decent credit score to buy a car is 661 or higher. This score allows individuals to get good rates on car loans. You can buy a car with a lower credit score, but approval will be more difficult, and if you are approved, you will ha...
Decent According with custom or propriety; Her becoming modesty Comely behavior It is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money A decent burial Seemly behavior Honest Chaste; faithful; virtuous. Wives may be merry, and yet honest too. Decent Enough to meet a purpose...
It's lovely.- Damn straight.- And it's so big.- Well, it's a mansion, is what it is. 口语中常常听到“It is what it is”的说法。通常是带点无奈的说法,比如:That's all I got? Well...It is what it is.我就只有这些了吗?好吧……那就这样了。但是在这里,Rob和Beth夫妻俩刚刚来到豪...
whellote stone whellote tin whellote-flowered swe when the children pra when a child is bom when a heart is moved when a man has a disc when a man makes a wo when all my favorite when an animal dies when an argument aris when an earthquake oc when and from where m when and whe...
i am a cyborg - but t i am a fighter and i i am a quiet decent p i am afraid i lose my i am agraduate of hon i am an empty shell i am an insecure pers i am aware of her own i am beat i am beginning to und i am behinding in my i am busy now see you i am coming...
[1] To say that the city is a central problem of American life is simply to know that increasingly the cities are American life; just as urban living is becoming the condition of man across the world. Everywhere men and women crowd into cities in search of employment, a decent living...
④ sb doesn't have what it takes to be a xx. 某人做某事不够格,不适合做某事,不是这块料 Shedoesn't have what it takes to be adecent performer. 她不具备成为一名高雅表演家的潜质。 是不是跟上面提到的“what it takes”呼应啦~ 点击回顾: “生来就是XX的料” ...
3. 你到底有什么问题啊 ... what kind of problem1. 什么样的问题呢what is your problem1.你到底有什么问题啊what is the problem1. 出了什么问题 ... www.iciba.com|基于 1 个网页 更多释义 例句 释义: 全部,你的困难是什么,你有什么问题,你到底有什么问题啊...
If you dive into a project—such as a new product launch—before proving it can be done, there's a decent chance it'll end up flopping and costing you big time. Informs investors: Investors are excellent judges of risk and reward. If your POC proves that your idea is likely to ...
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