If you are involved in design or manufacturing, you may be familiar with the term, “GD&T,” or “Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing”. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing is a set of rules and GD&T symbols used on a drawing to communicate the int
Symbolized by a horizontal line with another line drawn perpendicular to it, perpendicularity is the condition of a surface, feature’s center plane, or feature’s axis at a right angle to a datum plane or datum axis. Parallelism Symbolized by two oblique parallel lines, parallelism is the con...
Where the actual mating size of the feature has departed from MMC, an increase in the tolerance is allowed equal to the amount of such departure. The total permissible variation in the specific geometric characteristic is maximum when the feature is at LMC. Likewise, referencing a datum feature...
• You can "now" use angularity to control perpendicularity if you use two perpendicular datum planes that they now call "alternative practice" – I don't understand the need, benefit, or anything for this. Everything In Its Right Place • What's New with Location • The chapter is ...