Food from a taro plant. Synonyms * (Colocasia esculenta) colocasia, elephant ears * (similar plants) * (edible portion) dasheen Hyponyms * (similar plants) giant taro,Alocasia'' and species, especially ; ''Xanthosoma sagittifolium Derived terms ...
@Georgesplane- Poi is really easy to make. It is very similar to making mashed potatoes. To make the poi, you will need some good Hawaiian taro. Dasheen is Japanese taro and is not good for making poi. Dasheen will be bland and tasteless. ...
Jamaica is 'Cornmeal Dumplin, Dasheen, Yam, Coco ,Ackee & SaltFish, Black Mango, Star Apple, 'Doouckunu, Dip-an-Fall-Back, Run-dung.' Jamaica is 'Bulla-an-Pear, Toeto, SaltFish Fritters, Peppa shrimps, Blue draws,Roast breadfruitand Corn-pork.' ...