Marcel Duchamp, Fountain, 1917.Originally a colloquial French term for a hobby horse, Dada, as a word, is nonsense. As a movement, however, Dadaism proved to be one of the revolutionary art movements in the early twentieth century, born as a response to the modern age. ...
An acrostic poem is a style of poetry in which certain letters from the poem spell out a name, word, or even an entire phrase that may or may not be related to the content of the poem. It is typically the first letter of each line that spells out the word or phrase, and the poem...
For some, Duchamp is the father of conceptualism, the so-called art of ideas, for other, he is a charlatan responsible for the demise of traditional Artistry.对于一些人来说, 杜尚是概念主义之父,即所谓的观念艺术; 而对于另一些人来说,他是一个导致传统艺术消亡的骗子。But maybe we should l...
So today I want to move beyond the visual arts and talk a bit about Dada in the performing arts, in theater. But let's start by reviewing what Dada is. OK? As you will recall, Dada began in Switzerland, in the city of Zurich, in 1916. The artists who started it were reacting aga...
Another favorite of the Dadaists was something called chance poetry.A chance poet would pull words out of a hat and that would be, well, that would make up the poem!And this idea of chance and randomness was a key element of Dadaism because the whole world seemed so random to them.So...
Picasso famously said: ‘Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up”. He also said: ”It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”There is wisdom there. ...
Blackout poetry is also known as redacted poetry and erasure poetry. It is also regarded as a type of “found poetry.”
is traditionally a beloved motif of earthly ephemerality and waning change in Korean art. However, inBeyond Serenity, Hwang reverses its customary meaning revealing like a Zen poem, the hidden and metaphysical connectivity beneath all of life’s phenomena and their apparent change through a ...
we hear the Beethoven Symphony No. 7, the ardent A Major which I don’t believe the ACO has recorded. But you can be sure there’ll be surprises in shaping, rhythmic emphasis and attack as this dynamic warhorse is dusted off. To hear these two big-frame works, you have to pay betwee...
This is, in essence, a heroic couplet (closed lines, rhymed iambic pentameter, epic setting), but there's something symbolic happening in the second line as well. Pope is juxtaposing the high language and voice of theepic poemwith everyday occurrences. He sets up a moment that feels as if...