ultimateendofthepursuitisnotequalityatallbut someothervalueorvalueswhichhavebecome confusedinthepopularmindwithequality,orour societiesareaimingatagoalthatcursoryinspection revealstobequitemonstrous.(1982,p.73) ResponsestotheChallenge 1.Giveupegalitarianismasaphilosophy,but remainconcernedaboutthosewhoselives areso...
Life in its large extent is scare a span. Scope (obsolete) A bundle, as of twigs. Extent Degree; measure; proportion. Scope To perform a cursory investigation of; scope out. Extent A peculiar species of execution upon debts due to the crown, under which the lands and goods of the debto...
A cursory human inspection of the .dmp file you posted suggests some problem with the R3D media, or the metadata associated with that media.Can you provide a project with media, and (important!) step-by-step instructions which reliably crash PPro? If so, we'd love to get them. Status ...
Shift-right testing: This approach prioritizes testing near the end of the SDLC, with a focus on improving user experience, overall performance, failure tolerance and functions. Smoke tests: These tests, which can be manual or automated, provide an initial cursory screening for conspicuous flaws ...
Domain spoofing: Through slight alterations in domain names—a practice barely noticeable at a cursory look—fraudsters create email addresses that imitate those of legitimate entities closely enough to bypass casual scrutiny. Look-alike domain attacks: Similar yet distinct from domain spoofing, this tec...
I fail to see how this cursory discussion does anything to support the claim that Translanguaging Theory makes any worthwhile contribution to the debate that has followed Fodor’s Language of thought hypothesis. As for the second argument, this concerns “the question of what is going on when...
expert scrutiny by few is more important than cursory inspection by many. there are also many open-source operating systems focused on providing highly secure machines that also protect the privacy of the user. for example, tails is a privacy-centric os designed for those who want to evade tra...
Every soldier is a leader or is out. Absurd. In the early 1970’s, I was present when our engineer battalion commander had a conversation with the Division Chief of Staff. He was complaining about the new up or out policy. He said; “I’ve got an E5, specialist five, road grader ...
I don’t know their individual backgrounds and so on, but on a cursory look this seems about as balanced and expert as you’re gonna get. The full concluding report can be read here, if you’re into that kind of thing. I couldn’t be bothered to read it cos it didn’t have ...
The five attributes listed above form a good basis for a cursory assessment of safety culture and there are many other approaches in the literature including tools for assessing the current status of the safety culture in an organisation (4...