create a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency to create regulations that require banks to do the due diligence that they did before the CRA on their own. In summary: Create Market Failure, Declare Market Failure, Regulate the Market. It is all about the accumulation of power. These are pe...
The p53 pathway is composed of hundreds of genes and their products that respond to a wide variety of stress signals. These responses to stress include apoptosis, cellular senescence or cell cycle arrest. In addition the p53-regulated genes produce prote
As the 65816 can address up to 16M, that still leaves a massive chunk for O/S, BASIC interpreter and workspace RAM. So essentially a CBM-64 with 4096 on-screen colors, crapton of sprites and the two layers of drawing surfaces. You could even expand further along the genesis route and ...
Title: Re: What if someone is WRONG on this forum? Post by: Psi on December 27, 2023, 01:09:38 am I think it's probably too hard of a problem to solve with fixed rules.Needs human feedback. Be cool if regular users could indicate that person X (in their opinion) has done eno...
Definitions include: cool, usually used after another term to form a superlative. bang up job Definitions include: an accomplishment that goes above and beyond what is expected; "a good job". shibby Definitions include: (adjective) - the ultimate of coolness. like whoa Definitions include: very...
to become Or CaUSe to become SoR 01 IiqUid 使解冻、融化 TranSIatiOn 什么是解冻水管最好的方式? Whats the besl way to Uni⅛cZe water pipes? 冰在融化。 The ice is UntreCZing. I Explore 1 UnderStanding the text 1. UnfreeZing 尸ro 工(Title) 2) FrOZen 0. (Of a IiqUid) having tinned...
It is proposed that the perceived present is not a moment in time, but an information structure comprising an integrated set of products of perceptual proc
Determination of the low-resolution structure of the human HAT module and the atomic structure of the recombinant yeast DUB module, confirmed that the previously defined functional modules form discrete structural entities. The histone acetyltransferase module An almost identical HAT module is ...
On the basis of the finding of substantial task-switch costs, M&K concluded that there is true task switching going in the cuing paradigm, whereas L&B suggested that subjects form compounds between cues and stimuli that allow disambiguating response selection. According to this view, switching ...
(The state of coherentness [that probably isn't even a word, but we're going with it, anyway]is currently leaning more towards being overrated, for which I do apologize - this after a pot of coffee, too, *AND* food!). As it happens, the last form of a real update happened some...