Yea, I think I will need to stay with a bi-focal design of some sort, finding a place to put my glasses when looking thru the scope with out glases is a pain, and i'lI definitley need the perscription to just look up at the stars and see any detail. thanks for touching on the...
What is Cr2032 Battery, Lithium Batteries, 3 Volt Coin & Button Cell, Primary 3V Lithium Button Cell Coin Battery for Remote Control, POS, Blood Glucose Meter, ESL manufacturers & suppliers on Video Channel of
Waiting for Eden by Elliot Ackerman (Knopf, Sept.25) This brief novel is related by a dead soldier who is watching over a horribly burned partner in a Texas hospital. That sounds embarrassingly emotional, but Ackerman, who served in a Navy in Irag and Afghanistan, is one of the best ...
The successful promotion of agroforestry in Italy depends on both a recognition of tradition and the opportunities for innovation. In Italy, agroforestry has traditionally been a key component of landscape management. Complex systems, based on the integration among crops–livestock–fruit/forest trees,...
A neuroradiologist is a medical doctor who has special training in imaging procedures (diagnostic neuroradiol- ogy) and therapeutic procedures (interventional neu- roradiology) in the brain and spine, as well as the asso- ciated blood vessels and skeletal elements. During their training, neuro...
GN5 is now on its 4th batch. Any idea where it’s from in Scotland? Andy October 25, 2023 at 7:21 pm CW2 – Balcones in Texas USA Nicola Young October 31, 2023 at 10:33 am Thanks Andy, added now 🙂 Leave a Reply Comment * Name * Email * Website This site uses...
Wellbeing has become a catch-all term that is often used interchangeably or in partnership with mental and physical health, happiness, life satisfaction and others. Whilst wellbeing is a more positive concept than mental health, it is a contested concept [34], used in communities, industry, ...
It is one reason for slower progress towards achieving UNSDGs; a change towards a more learning orientation [68] and a better alignment with current and future needs have been proposed to ensure progress [69]. However, we posit that to strive for SDGs, a change is also needed in the ...
M P L E) DESC RIP T ION admin_region_1 string 864 Texas Georgia Region within country_region admin_region_2 string 3,143 Washington CountyRegion within Jefferson County admin_region_1 confirmed int 120,692 12 Confirmed case count for the region confirmed_change int 12,120 12 Change of con...
(Texas Instruments) Vin=Voltage in Q=MOSFET Vsq= unipolar square-wave voltage Cr= resonant capacitor Lm= inductor D= Diode Upsides: - efficient enough to (generally) meet up to 80+ Titanium - low chance of whining - high scaling in wattage ...