A condominium, or condo, is an individually owned residential unit in a complex or building of like units. Condo owners own their units but share common spaces, amenities, and other resources. They pay condo fees, which cover maintenance costs, amenities, and the upkeep of common spaces. If ...
In principle, the condominium association can manage the property on its own. However, it is both customary and advisable to outsource management to a professional management company, especially if there are several co-owners. The management company is chosen by the condominium association. The manag...
A condominium is a form of home ownership in which individual units of a larger complex are sold, not rented. These units may be renovated apartments, townhouses or even commercial warehouses. Any multi-unit structure can 'go condominium', meaning occupants must either vacate the premises or...
What is a condominium? A condominium, often shortened to simply “condo,” is a privately owned individual unit within a community of other units. In general, the owner usually owns the interior of their condo and the structural components of exterior walls. Condo owners jointly own shared comm...
A condominium (also known as a condo) is a privately-owned home within a multi-unit development. Each owner has a shared interest in the common areas of the building—such as elevators, garages, gyms, etc.—which are typically maintained through monthly homeowners association (HOA) fees. More...
Parking:Some condominium complexes have limited parking, most of which is reserved for residents. If you have a guest, there may be rules and limitations on where they can park their car and for how long. In summary Condo associations are made to help manage condominium communities. While each...
Individual owners in a condominium association own their unit and a percentage of all shared property such as lobbies, pools, and gyms. The association doesn’t have ownership of any real estate within the community. 3. Cooperatives Cooperatives or co-ops have shared ownership among all members ...
A condominium that has any of the following limitations is deemed non-warrantable: The HOA, or condo association, is involved in a lawsuit. The condo building includes a manufactured home. The property operates as a hotel or a motel. 15% of the total units are 60 days or more delinquent...
After a while, my parents forgave me. And a litter bit after that, I forgave them, too.1.What is the core idea of Dell's company? A. To give money to the customers. B. To provide better computer technology. C. To sell the computer directly to the end customers. D. To make comp...