A computer virus is a set of self-replicable instructions or program codes embedded in computer programs to adversely affect the computer use by damaging specific functions or data of the computer. Such malicious computer programs are known as computer viruses, or virus for short, due to the fea...
It hides in your computer’smemoryand continues to infect files even if the original virus file is deleted. It can cause ongoing issues. This virus deletes the content of a file by overwriting it with its own code. Once a file is infected, the original data cannot be recovered. This vir...
What is a computer virus? A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches itself to other programs, self-replicates, and spreads from one computer to another. When a virus infects a computer, it makes copies of itself and attaches to other files or documents. It then modifies those ...
What is a computer virus? A computer virus is a type of malware that attaches itself to other programs, self-replicates, and spreads from one computer to another. When a virus infects a computer, it makes copies of itself and attaches to other files or documents. It then modifies those ...
What is a computer virus? A computer virus is a malicious piece of computer code designed to spread from device to device. A subset of malware, these self-copying threats are usually designed to damage a device or steal data. Think of a biological virus – the kind that makes you sick....
What is a computer virus? A computer virus is a piece of malicious code written with the intent of altering a computer’s basic operations. A computer virus attaches itself to a legitimate program, document, or attachment in order to get the user to download and execute it. Once executed,...
A computer virus is a type ofmalwarethat attaches itself to a program or file. A virus can replicate and spread across an infected system and it often propagates to other systems, much like a biological virus spreads from host to host. Once a virus has infected a system, it can attach ...
A computer virus is a type of program that, much like a regular virus, attaches itself to a host with the intention of multiplying and spreading its infection further. Computer viruses can be created by anyone with the proper skill set, from individuals to major organizations, and can infect...
What is a Computer Virus? Answer me | 7-14 yrs | Reading Pod 1 It is a Malware program that replicates itself and modifies itself into computer programs, data files and hard drive booting sections. When this happens it is said to be infected with a virus. Virus writer as they are call...
Computer Virus Definition A computer virus is an ill-natured software application or authored code that can attach itself to other programs, self-replicate, and spread itself onto other devices. When executed, a virus modifies other computer programs by inserting its code into them. If the virus...