The chain rule is a rule in calculus used to compute thederivativeof a composite function, which is a function made up of other functions. Simple Example of the Chain Rule: Imagine you have two functions: f(x)=x(squared) (a function that squares its input) g(x)=2x+3 (a function th...
What are the important types of functions frequently encountered in calculus? Give an example of each type. How to prove an algorithm is optimal? Define subsets and give a relevant example along with it. What advantage(s) can you see ...
In calculus, a composite function is simply a function of another function. For example, if we have two functions as {eq}f(x)\text{ and } g(x) {/eq}, we can form a composite function as {eq}f(g(x))\text{ or } g(f(x)) {/eq}....
(There is also a stronger “maximal function” version of this conjecture that remains open at present, although the methods of this paper will give some non-trivial bounds on this maximal function.) It is common to discretize this conjecture in terms of small scale . Roughly speaking, the ...
14.Beabletoexplainthedifferencebetweenachangeinsupplyandachangeinthe quantitysupplied. 15.Whatdoesthepriceelasticityofdemandmeasure?Beabletocalculateapoint elasticityusingcalculusgiventhedemandfunctionandaprice. 16.Whenwouldwesaydemandisinelastic?Whatdoesaperfectlyinelasticdemand ...
What is an integer? A simple definition of integers is they are positive and negative numbers along with zero. Integers are not fractional numbers. For example, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, etc. are integers.
What is Prime Factorisation? A method with which we can find the prime factors of a given number. Learn to find the prime factors of a number with the help of examples, at BYJU'S.
In this paper we revisit an open problem posed by Aldous on the max-entropy win-probability martingale: given two players of equal strength, such that the win-probability is a martingale diffusion, which of these processes has maximum entropy and hence gives the most excitement for the spectator...
Partial Dependency exists, when for a composite primary key, any attribute in the table depends only on a part of the primary key and not on the complete primary key. To remove Partial dependency, we can divide the table, remove the attribute which is causing partial dependency, and move it...
In simple language, the derivative is change in y by the change in x. Mathematically, it is denoted as dydx. As the allotted function whose derivative we have to compute is a composite function, so the rule that is used here is the chain rule....