Tim Traeger: Gangs: What is the cost of stupidity in our society?Tim Traeger
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Adware is deceptive software that earns its creators money through fraudulent user clicks. Fortunately, it's one of the the most detectable types of malware.
The common element among phishing attacks is the disguised identity of the attackers. In phishing attacks, spoofed texts or emails appear to originate from a trusted sender, fake websites resemble those the victim trusts, and URLs are often disguised using foreign character sets. Common features o...
There are many types of malware. Here are some of the most common: Virus Among the most common types of malware, a virus is malware that attaches to another program and, when executed—typically inadvertently—replicates itself by modifying and infecting other computer programs. Like a biological...
21 Feb 20255 mins news analysis Russian cyberespionage groups target Signal users with fake group invites 19 Feb 20258 mins news Ransomware gangs extort victims 17 hours after intrusion on average 17 Feb 20255 mins news analysis PostgreSQL patches SQLi vulnerability likely exploited in...
Why phishing is a major cyberthreat Phishing is popular among cybercriminals and highly effective. According to IBM'sCost of a Data Breachreport, phishing is the most commondata breachvector, accounting for 15% of all breaches. Breaches caused by phishing cost organizations an average of USD 4.8...
Powerful gangs have laid siege to Haiti's capital forcing the prime minister to agree to step down. Here's what the violence is all about.
Ransomware as a service (RaaS) is a cybercrime business model where ransomware developers sell ransomware code or malware to other hackers, called affiliates.
Gun-related injury and death is an urgent problem that plays out increasingly across the world, and often in particular ways in the United States—a country that has less than five percent of the world’s population, but over forty percent of its civilian-owned guns (Small Arms Survey,2018...