Colleges also care about their acceptance rate because it is a factor in their ranking by third parties such as the US News College Rankings. Middle tier colleges (those that are only moderately selective) will often game the system to get more applicants and subsequently lower their acceptance ...
Understanding that college is not just about getting a job after graduation, but is also about the experience of learning and growing through the interactions with professors and other students who are from different places and different types of families and communities. Once upon a time, some la...
Experts recommend a 3.0 GPA to maintain financial aid and scholarships eligibility, program admission and graduation. Learn more about GPA in college.
The student loan default rate is important because it determines whether or not a college or university will be eligible to receive student aid from the federal government. If a college has a default rate above 30 percent for three years in a row or 40 percent in one year, the Department ...
Others might see a minor as a creative outlet. Here's what students should know when deciding if a minor is right for them. What Is a College Minor? A college major refers to structured coursework that students take within a chosen primary field of study. The number of classes may vary ...
N.Y.—DorothyWoodruffandRosamondUnderwood—traveledto a settlementin the Rocky Mountainstoteachinaone-room schoolhouse. ThegirlshadgonetoSmithCollege.Theywore expensiveclothes.Soforthemto movetoElkhead,Colo.toinstructthechildrenwhoseshoes wereheldtogetherwithstring wasasurprise. Theirstayin Elkheadisthesubjec...
rechoosingtoseea situation.Everyonehasshortcomings.However,thevastmajorityofpeoplehavegoodqualities thatoutweighbadones. 3 Communicatingmoreeffectively · 4 Somepeoplehaveissuesthatmayneedaddressing.However,feedbackisvery differentfromcriticism.Whenaddressinganissue,focusonsuggestionsyoucanmaketohelp anotherperson...
However, don’t look too hard at your values when choosing a major, either. University is a time of experimentation and self-discovery, and most people solidify their values during their college years. I want to help clean up the oceans! Perhaps I’ll choose an environmental policy major. ...
These facts make it obvious that dropping out of high school has life-long consequences, but what is the impact on other students and the rest of the country? Outside the field of education, the college graduation rate has an impact on everything from crime to health care. ...
is tough to are tough on 6.graduate/'ɡrædʒuəɪ t/vi.毕业 n.毕业生 graduation n.毕业 graduate from... 从„„毕业 graduate in physics from Harward 哈佛大学物理系毕业 a graduate in law 一个法律系毕业生 a college graduate 大学毕业生 after graduation (from...) (...