☝ All you need to know about coaching in details: ✅ definition ✅ history ✅ founders ✅ principles → Video illustration on how coaching works are here ←
Coaching is a useful way of developing people's skills and abilities, and of boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems. A coaching session will typically take place as a conversation between the coach and the coachee (person being ...
一般来说, 教练(Coaching)的效果在追求变化和成长的人身上会得到明显的体现。现在有很多教师、咨询师,企业高管等也在学习教练,力求将教练的一些沟通状态和方法与自己的日常工作结合,除了给客户授业解惑或者日常管理自己的团队,还利用教练型沟通启发客户及团队的潜力,从而达到事半功倍的效果。如果你目前...
What is coaching?什么是教练? 什么是教练?为什么需要找教练?谁能从教练中获益呢? 从本质上讲,教练是一个能帮助你实现目标的过程,用更短的时间实现。教练能支持你,实现生活中你希望取得的成功,而不是你一个人独自去完成。 为什么和教练合作? 优化工作绩效、最大化你的潜能、增强自信、定义优势和劣势、提升企业...
However, by understanding more clearly the nature of the difference between approaches, it will also be easier to fit a coaching model to specific situations. It is argued here that goal-oriented approaches to coaching generally have a different perspective than therapeutic or personal-development ...
what is coaching?人们通常会把教练和心理治疗师、顾问以及师父(培训师)相混淆,那么到底什么是教练,什么是教练技术?什么是coach?下面带着大家通过一个2分钟的视频来了解一下。【视频下方配有中文翻译】 当听…
Put simply, coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future. While there are many different models of coaching, here we are not considering the ‘coach as expert’ but, instead, the coach as a facilitato...
Coaching is a collaborative endeavour, which facilitates the learning, development and performance of an individual, promoting positive, sustainable behavioural change. The Goal of Coaching The goal of coaching is to guide vision, urge excellence and unlock the individual’s true potential, through faci...
What can you say as a coach? The role of a coach is helpful to people who are willing to take responsibility. Before you act as a coach, you can: Enlist the person in the coaching process (ask them to join you). Begin to offer advice. ...
Coachingis"aprocessthatenableslearninganddevelopmenttooccurandthus performancetoimprove.Tobesuccessful,acoachrequiresaknowledgeand understandingofprocessaswellasthevarietyofstyles,skillsandtechniquesthatare appropriatetothecontextinwhichcoachingtakesplace"(Parsloe,Eric,1999) 教练学是使learning&development发生,从而提升...