English is such a hodgepodge of different languages – it’s essentially Germanic but a lot of its vocabulary comes from French, and technical words stem from Latin and Greek. This feature makes English fairly adaptable – which is a good thing for a world language – but it causes irregulari...
Everything he said can be replaced with his explanation and the sentence still makes perfect sense: She completely understood his explanation. To test whether a clause is a noun clause, try swapping it out for a noun. If your sentence still makes sense, you’ve got a noun clause. Here ...
Em:Hey Emma, I was wondering what is the shortest sentence in the English Language? Emma:I am. Em:Haha… I know you are short but I meant a sentence in English language! Emma:Silly you. ‘I am’ is the shortest sentence inEnglish Language. Doesn’t have to do anything with my heig...
In the following sentence “why do we often assume that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongs?”, what kind of sentence is it? A.Simple sentence B.Complex sentence C.Compound sentence D.Compound-complex sentence 正确答案:Complex sentence ...
The meaning of WHAT is —used as an interrogative expressing inquiry about the identity, nature, or value of an object or matter. How to use what in a sentence.
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Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation, period.” If Bob is correct that the primary causes for cancer are chemicals and radiation, then both of these factors can be greatly reduced through the food and lifestyle choices that you make....
A dialogue tag, also known as an attribution, is a small phrase either before, after, or in the middle of actual dialogue that indicates the speaker. For example: “Did you get my letter?”asked Katie. The phrase “asked Katie” is the dialogue tag in the sentence. ...
I took that experience as an example of how simple it is to give respect and treat people well. She was far more than a simple touch of class. Thank you and R.I.P. We are all responsible for the Quality of Life on this Planet. ...
What does the underlined sentence “We were like kids in a candy store” mean in Paragraph 5? A. They didn’t have enough food and were hungry. B. They were very excited about what they saw. C. They were behaving like naughty children. D. They knew that if they kept searching,they...