Phishing is the practice of sending fraudulent communications that appear to come from a legitimate and reputable source, usually through email and text messaging. The attacker's goal is to steal money, gain access to sensitive data and login information, or to install malware on the victim's ...
Is a cloud contact center secure? What is the difference between a cloud contact center and an on-premises contact center? How does migrating to a cloud contact center work? Can you share examples of customers migrating to a cloud contact center?
ADI is developing a sensing, processing and communications solution to optimize how tomatoes grow (and taste). It’s a deliciously powerful example of what Smart Agriculture can mean to products, people, and the future. See what happens when Signal Chain meets Food Chain ...
Create a rough investor pitch deck by following the preceding outline. This exercise is useful even if you're a long way from being ready to pitch investors. It can help you to think through and articulate the key elements of your business. By sharing the pitch deck with others, such as...
Discover six crucial questions to ask your edge computing provider to ensure they can meet your organization's needs and drive successful implementation.
What is a lead magnet? A lead magnet is a piece of content or some other perk that attracts potential customers to your business—enough that they'll give you their email address in exchange for it. Once you've gotten their contact information, you can then use your lead generation funnel...
The ideal solution is drip emails, which naturally pace your online interactions. Instead of bombarding your leads with emails, you’ll send digestible nuggets at a rate they can handle. The result? Better engagement and, ultimately, more conversions. These outcomes are more likely when you tai...
Digital transformation is vital because change cycles in Design and Make industries have accelerated faster than ever before. Some industry leaders see digital transformation as a way to stay ahead of this steep change curve, while others see it as a minimum requirement to survive in the modern ...
Making a separate splash page for your mobile site can help convey your message without disrupting the functionality of your site. If your splash page is not optimized for mobile, it might be more difficult for a user to close and they might not be able to use it. For example, using a...
A cryptocurrency airdrop is a marketing stunt that involves sending free coins or tokens to wallet addresses to promote awareness of a new currency.