What is a clause? Here you can find the definition of clause as well as some clause examples to help you answer, what is a clause? This clause page and our clause worksheets are all free to use and print.
The underlined parts in the above examples represent a clause part within each sentence. Such reduction of a sentence to a clause is generally donefor the new learnersso they can easily learn the term ‘clause’. However,it is important to understand that the definition of the clause has two...
Gerunds aren’t the only instance where a word (or group of words) plays a role that’s typically taken on by another type of word. For example,an adverbial clauseis a clause that functions as an adverb. Anadjective phraseis a phrase that describes a nounthe way an adjective typically d...
Take a look at these examples: I love eating cookies. My dog barks a lot. The kids ate lunch. His truck is green. As you can see, independent clauses aren’t long or complex sentences. They can certainly be part of complex sentences, but by definition, they are known as simple ...
What is a Dependent Clause? Here you'll find a helpful definition and several examples that help you understand their usage in sentences. Click here.
Examples and definition of Clause to help you understand this concept. 1. What is a Clause? A clause is a set of words containing a subject and a predicate. Every full sentence has at least one clause—it is not possible to have a complete sentence witho
Main clause: Wilbur was shut up Since "Fern was in school" is modified by the word "while" which is a subordinate conjunction, "While Fern was in school" is a subordinate clause, rather than a main clause. "Dinner always took a long time, because Antonapoulos loved food and he was ...
Gerund as a subject complement:His favorite activity isreading. Gerund phrase as a subject complement:The thing she hated most about school wasgetting up early. Gerunds as objects Just like nouns and noun phrases, gerunds and gerund phrases can be used asobjectsin sentences/clauses. They can ...
“Tell him I had to leave early” is an independent clause, while “When he arrives” is a dependent clause. You can tell because the first one sounds like it could be a complete sentence by itself, while the second sounds unfinished. In the example above the comma is used correctly, ...
In English grammar, a phrase is a group of two or more words functioning as a meaningful unit within a sentence or clause. A phrase is commonly characterized as a grammatical unit at a level between a word and a clause. A phrase (from the Greekphrasis, meaning "declare" or "tell") is...