Disbanded after Season 4, Section 20 is restored to track a notorious terrorist as the adrenaline-fueled Cinemax actioner "Strike Back" returns with a new cast and a new story arc. Risky business Cinemax's "Quarry," set in Memphis in the early 70s, features a troubled lead character, Vie...
While the term STD has been around a long time (way back when, it was called venereal disease (VD) – named after Venus, the goddess of love), STI is becoming increasingly popular. Some people think this newer term also helps minimize stigma around these conditions – it’s less harsh t...
Healthcare providers will always need the flexibility to do what they think is best, but that can’t come at the expense of quality and cost-effectiveness. But the reason why this is such a top priority is because it has the potential to positively impact the lives of countless people ...
While the term STD has been around a long time (way back when, it was called venereal disease (VD) – named after Venus, the goddess of love), STI is becoming increasingly popular. Some people think this newer term also helps minimize stigma around these conditions – it’s less harsh t...
This form of analysis is both prospective and existential! It is the rationale and mandate for some form of public agency strategic analysis. How should public agencies actually go about doing such strategic analysis? There are a number of potential meta-strategies. One response is to muddle ...