的确,今天被称为“辅助教会”(parachurch)的,在新约时代其实被看作是教会。 还有,圣经表明这种聚会不一定要有领袖才能被算作是“教会”。因为在【使徒行传 14:23】里说,保罗和巴拿巴在各教会中选立了长老。这说明在他们有长老之前,就已经被被算作是教会了。这与圣经之后的宗教精英认为“教会”在很大程度上是由...
的確,今天被稱為“輔助教會”(parachurch)的,在新約時代其實被看作是教會。 還有,聖經表明這種聚會不一定要有領袖才能被算作是“教會”。因為在【使徒行傳 14:23】裏說,保羅和巴拿巴在各教會中選立了長老。這說明在他們有長老之前,就已經被被算作是教會了。這與聖經之後的宗教精英認為“教會”在很大程度上是由...
What is a Church? Biblical Basics for Christian Community Copyright © 2011 by Mark D. Roberts and Patheos.com Note: You may download this resource at no
The article discusses a "religious employer" exception to a "contraception mandate" which is reportedly included in the U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) as of April 2013, focusing on churches, implied consent, and the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. According ...
Word Decomposition 天主 tiānzhǔ God (in Catholicism); abbr. for 天主教, Catholicism 教徒 jiàotú disciple; follower of a religionRelated WordsWords With Same Head Word 天主教 tiānzhǔ jiào Catholicism 天主教会 tiānzhǔ jiàohuì the Catholic Church...
What It Means To Be A Church Leader, A Biblical Point of View 《What It Means To Be A Church Leader, A Biblical Point of View》是一本图书,作者是Shawchuck, Norman, L
“As poor as a church mouse.” What's the Chinese meaning? A. 像教堂的老鼠一样穷。 B. 一贫如洗。 C. 穷老
The article offers information on church choir. A choir is a group of people devoted to singing together. They sing the hymns along with an organ and the congregation. They provide unusual musical experiences that help worshipers understand the transcendence of faith. They also promote the church...
IS A CHURCH CHOIR? WHAT IS A CHURCH CHOIR?WHAT IS A CHURCH CHOIR?The article offers information on church choir. A choir is a group of people devoted to singing together. They sing the hymns along with an organ and the congregation. They provide unusual musical experiences that help ...