Even many Christian churches would be banned for their lack of "Christian correctness."The potentially lethal mix of politics, religious bigotry, and the belief in non-Biblical dispensationalism is a menace to our free society. This was behind the Y2K fiasco that had fundamentalist preachers ...
Nonetheless, he rejected the Christian idea of a personal god--a god who is involved with the lives of people, who hears and answers prayers, performs miracles, etc. “I cannot then believe in this concept of an anthropomorphic God who has the powers of interfering with these natural laws....
What is biblical fundamentalism? Fundamentalism: Throughout the history of religions in the world, fundamentalists have existed. There were fundamentalists in Judaism during the time of Christ. There are fundamentalists in Islam and Hindu today. Christianity, even, has fundamentalists. ...
[Note: I’m aware thatfundamentalist Christiansandanti-religious peoplealike will likely take issue with this article. If you’re one of these people, you’d be best to leave (or else stay with an open heart) as this article is for the mystics-at-heart. I’m not interested in arguing ...
I am not as experienced withe fundamental extremes of non-Christian groups. In fundamental Christianity, though, I have noticed one of the most seemingly irrational (at least to me) things is the way in which fundamentalist Christians refuse to even discuss the beliefs of others, let alone list...
What is a fundie-lite? 1 0 +1 A very religious personA fundie-lite is a person who is very religious but not quite a fundamentalist. The person adheres to strict beliefs but makes some minor exceptions, thus he is the "lite" version of a fundie. Fundie-lites are typically zealous...
"And so I think it has had a very much a net positive impact on the world." Faith Questions The faith of Schulz has been scrutinized over the years. He's been called a fundamentalist Christian, a universalist, an atheist, and reportedly called himself a secular humanist in...
Those who are unfamiliar with the world of the Christian Right, with how these fundamentalists and literalists see reality and politics, are missing so much of the intentionality behind Trump and his use of language. For example, Trump said that Harris is a “Jezebel...
I have a friend who claims she is a Christian Mormon, and I decided to find out the facts about Mormonism, this website has been very helpful. Hopefully, I will now be able to expose the real doctrines of Mormonism to her and help her to find out that she actually needs to get ...
What is Islamic religious studies? Islamicist: Today, an Islamicist usually refers to a scholar of Islamic studies. The term has, however, had various focuses over decades. It can also refer to a supporter of an Islamic revivalist or an Islamic fundamentalist. ...