A Siberian chiffchaff which usually winters in the Himalayas turned up in Sudbrook, Monmouthshire, during January. And a month later, a great white egret, typically found in the South American rainforests, was seen in the same county. Richard Dobbins, from Pembrokeshire Birds, said: "We se...
Like the closely-related, and very similar-looking willow warbler, the chiffchaff is a leaf warbler of genusPhylloscopus. Luckily the chiffchaff has a very distinctive song – a rhythmic “chiff-chaff” after which the species was named – from which it can be identified. This song is a we...
Head into the Rampton Spinney and you might hear the summery and rather more melodic song of its cousin, the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla). A grey bird with, yes, a black cap. Unless it’s the female or a youngster in which case the cap is a chestnut brown. You may well have had ...