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There is a time commitment as well. The standard mantra for Guard and Reserve service is “one weekend a month, two weeks a year.” But it can really be more than that, depending on your branch of service, career field, unit, and other factors. Don’t forget that you could be subjec...
The WCCL was prepared from The Ways of Coping Checklist based on the theoretical framework of Lazarus's Interactional Stress Model. The WCCL, on the other hand, has 45 items with five subscales. The distribution of students' WCCL subscale score means are shown in Table 2. There were stati...
While it provides a multitude of options and details, this Resource Guide was not meant to be a stringent checklist or a one size fits all approach. Providers are advised to utilize only those measures that are relevant and appropriate, based on their risk areas, size, resources, ...