What is a character arc? A character arc is the measure of how a character changes over time. These arcs are linear — so as to say they always have a beginning and end. But they don’t have to coincide with story arcs. For example: a story arc may start at its linear end, but...
When writing a novel, outlining your main character's arc is a valuable step both forplanning your storyand forcraftingyour book's hook. This process involves identifying the transformation your character undergoes, which is central to understanding and conveying the essence of your story. Hopefully...
Find out whether your protagonist is a flat character or a round character. Includes a definitive flat character definition and 8 examples to help.
It is an indisputable fact that the best way to achieve the most convincing surround-sound experience is by placing individual speakers all around your room. Usually that would consist of a ready-made home cinema pack (HCP) put together by the manufacturer, but there’s nothing to stop you ...