A credit card ZIP code is part of the geographical identifier associated with a credit card's billing address. This will be the postal or ZIP code you provided when you applied for the card, unless you have since moved to a new address and updated your billing information. It's an import...
the lifespan of a cd/dvd depends on various factors like how it is stored, whether it was scratched or exposed to sunlight/moisture etc., but generally speaking, they last anywhere from 5-10 years with proper care. are there any disadvantages to using cds/dvds for data storage? one ...
(cds), digital versatile discs (dvds), and blu-ray discs. what is a hard disk drive (hdd)? an hdd is a magnetic storage device that uses rotating disks, known as platters, to store and retrieve data. it consists of multiple platters stacked on top of each other, which spin at a ...
Bionformatics is the discipline that uses the tools of computer science and information technology to tackle biological problems. Bionformaticians are highly sought after by labs that work with large datatsets.Answer and Explanation: CDS is the coding sequence in bionformatics. It is the portion...
Where is the CVV or security code on a card? On Visa®and Mastercard®credit cards the CVV is located on the back of your card, next to the signature box. What is the purpose of a CVV number? CVV codes can help prevent unauthorized transactions on your credit card. Yourcredit card...
A checksum is a value that represents the number ofbitsin a transmission message. IT professionals use it to detect high-level errors within data transmissions. Prior to transmission, every piece of data or file can be assigned a checksum value after running acryptographichash function. The term...
Originating status can be classified by a changed commodity code from the imported inputs to final exported goods. This would mean that the inputs used to produce the good you’re exporting can be of non-originating status, so long as the final good being exported is classified under a diff...
Form 1099-OID is used to report a special type of interest from certain bonds that were issued at a price less than the value you can redeem them for once the bond matures. Here's what you need to know about this type of interest and tax form. ...
Files can also be created by recording audio, taking photos, or writing code using development tools. So, if you’re wondering, “How are files made?”– the answer is simple: they’re created by using the right program, saving your work, and assigning it a name with the correct file ...
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