Your first instinct might be to simply increase your spending that month if you get an unexpected tax refund or use it for a splurge you couldn't otherwise afford. "Don’t just go to, 'Oh I’ve always wanted to go on this trip,'" advisesMelissa Joy, CFP, CDFA, and president of Pe...
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A prenuptial agreement is a contract that two parties enter into in contemplation of marriage. It can also be referred to as a “premarital agreement,”“antenuptial agreement,” or simply a “prenup"; in Canada, it is called a “marriage contract.” (For more information, see "Canadian Ma...
Management System Certification ISO 9001 - - - - Trade Capacity Export Markets North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, Oceania, Mid East, Eastern Asia, Western Europe North America, South America, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, Oc...