A BCC email is a message that’s sent to multiple recipients, where email addresses in the BCC field are kept hidden from contacts listed in the CC. Those in the CC field of the email are known as primary recipients, while secondary recipients are included in the BCC field. Both primary...
What is a country court judgement (CCJ)? A CCJ is a court order that can be registered against you if you fail to repay your debts, and you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. In Scotland, the process is known as enforcing a debt by diligence. If you’ve received a CCJ ...
Adverb clauses:This is a type that aims to modify the verb, adjective, or another adverb in a sentence. So, adverb clauses basically act as adverbs in groups of words instead of a single adverb word. They are usually introduced by a...
What is cc, and what’s its meaning? The abbreviation cc means “carbon copy.” The term dates back to a time before the invention of photocopiers when written documents were copied using carbon paper. While you should use the To field to address the primary recipients of your emails, c...
Is this right? Why would I want to do that rather than put the new functionality into a subclass? For that matter, why would a mixin/multiple inheritance approach be better than using composition? What separates a mixin from multiple inheritance? Is it just a matter of semantics? python ...
CVE, short for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, is a list of publicly disclosed computer security flaws.
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We all have wondered what is CC and BCC in Email. In this blog we are going to cover its meaning, How to use it, and example to help you understand.
Here are two examples of emails where it would be appropriate to use CC. Transfer of responsibilities Dear John, I’ll be away on vacation next week, but Stephanie is going to mock up a few logo designs for you by Monday. I’ve CC’d her so you can email her directly if you have...
A CCP is a particular type of clearing house. While the latter also facilitates trading, CCPs take an additional step and must agree to the terms before they clear the transaction. In the U.S., the equivalent of a CCP is a derivatives clearing organization (DCO) or derivatives clearinghouse...