no one has given a straight answer about exactly what it is they’re building. (A quick side note: This piece focuses on the AI debate in the US and Europe, largely because many of the best-funded, most cutting-edge AI labs are there. But of course there’s important research...
When it comes to human-to-human transmission (传播,名词) of the viruses, often it happens when someone comes into contact with an infected person's secretions (分泌物), such as droplets (小水滴,飞沫) in a cough.Depending on how virulent the virus is, a cough, sneeze or handshake could...
How is the model user to judge the validity of models in an environment characterized by such change, and when the models, which are developed based on different underlying assumptions, give different results? Given that one purpose of catastrophe models is to contemplate outcomes of events that ...
Instead, King’s main goal is to create suspense. By creating a vivid image of the impact of a murder, rape, or other catastrophe he is able to foster his goal by unnerving his reader and creating a conflict. Stephen King’s extensive and creative use of detail and literary elements in...
The Republicans were saying that they are too involved in the government. This is simply a classic case of the government having a bit of a laissez faire approach to the economy and then follow it up with being heavily involved after an economic catastrophe. ...
What makes the USA unique, a special place on earth? 首先,这是“西方”最极端的例子。 For one thing, it is the most extreme example of what it means to be "Western." 在主要西方国家中,美国收税最少,为陷入困境的公民提供的社会保障水平最低。 Among the major Western countries, the USA colle...
What is a catastrophe call spread option? How do the cash flows of this option affect the buyer of the option? Explain the difference in the gain and loss potential of a call option and a long futures position. Under what circumstan...
tasks … It was frequently observed that the patients’ initial reaction to an unpleasant event was to regard it as a catastrophe”. An example of magnification would be receiving a telephone call from a friend to say they will be late to a meet-up and thinking“well, the evening is ...
What is a credible threat? When is a threat not credible?Threat:A threat refers to the intent of doing something threatening another person's goodwill or leading to negative consequences. Generally, these threats result in damage, loss, or injury. In economics, a threat refers to anything ...
While the loss of even one species is devastating, Ceballos of the National Autonomous University of Mexico has highlighted that the ongoing episode of extinction is mutilating much thicker branches of the tree of life, a metaphor and model that groups living entities and maps their evolutionary re...