4. To proceed in a certain direction: made for home; made after the thief. 5. Slang To pretend to be; imitate. Used with like: made like a ballerina. 6. To undergo fabrication or manufacture: This wool makes up into a warm shawl. 7. To rise or accumulate: The tide is making. n...
A device, such as a grappling hook, that is used for dragging under water. Grab Make a grasping or snatching motion with the hand; The passenger grabbed for the oxygen mask Drag A heavy sledge or cart for hauling loads. Grab Obtain illegally or unscrupulously; Grab power Drag A large four...
(slang) A painfully boorish person. That guy is such a hump! Bump (Informal) See baby bump. Hump A wave that forms in front of an operating hovercraft and impedes progress at low speeds. Bump A rise or increase, as in prices or enrollment. Hump (transitive) To bend something into a ...
1. To assume control, management, or responsibility: I'm taking over while the supervisor is on vacation. 2. To assume the control or management of or the responsibility for: She took over the job after he left. 3. To become dominant: Our defense took over in the second half of the ...
Has anyone been in BJs lately and had to listen to that stupid inventory robot? It just rolls around whistling like a psychopath in a horror movie. Another shopper admitted that they wanted to ram the bot with a shopping cart but held back against the violent act. Other shoppers called the...
View in context The victim finally arrived, bound to the tail of a cart, and when he had been hoisted upon the platform, where he could be seen from all points of the Place, bound with cords and straps upon the wheel of the pillory, a prodigious hoot, mingled with laughter and acclama...
before the arrival of the Ten, particularly when the Celebrity dropped in for lunch or dinner. He could not be induced to remain permanently at Mohair because Miss Trevor was at Asquith, but he appropriated a Hempstead cart from the Mohair stables and made thetripsometimes twice in a day.}...
A thing that is pulled along the ground or through water. Pull (Informal) To attract; draw A performer who pulls large crowds. Drag A strong-smelling lure drawn before hounds as a substitute for a fox. Pull (Slang) To draw out (a weapon) in readiness for use Pull a gun. Pulled a ...
Bump refers to a minor collision or a raised area, while bumper is a protective device on a vehicle designed to absorb impact.
A lode is a vein of metal ore in the earth, while a load refers to the amount of weight or burden that something is carrying.