The referential theory (指称理论) is the theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to. A: “what is a desk?” B: “It is a piece of furniture with four legs.” 2.2 The Semantic Triangle The semantic triangle is the indirect relation between a word...
youthinkyoucan,how?Ifyouthinkyoucan’t,whynot?2 BackgroundInformation Doyouknowanythingaboutthefamoushistoricliteraryfiguresbelow?Matchtherelatedinformation.3 Name Nationality Masterpiece WilliamShakespeare AlighierDante ItalianGerman RelativityMaxims Bach Swiss-AmericanOdyssey Homer French CanterburyTales Einstein ...
The shop specializes in (= selling) antique furniture. I went to a restaurant that ~s in Italian food 坚持 specialize specialization /-isation n. [U] [C] eg. In the course Im taking, there s no opportunity for ~ (=limiting my studying or work to one particular area) until the ...
HomerFrenchCanterburyTales EinsteinEnglishChurchCantatas ChaucerGreekTheDivine Comedy La Rochefoucauld EnglishHamlet GroupDiscussion ?1.WhatareyourjudgementsofaGOOD university? ?2.WhichuniversitiesareGoodinChina? Andwhy? ?3.WhichuniversitiesareGoodinthe
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
Doyouknowanythingaboutthefamoushistoricliteraryfiguresbelow?Matchtherelatedinformation.3 Name Nationality Masterpiece WilliamShakespeare AlighierDante ItalianGerman RelativityMaxims Bach Swiss-AmericanOdyssey Homer French CanterburyTales Einstein English ChurchCantatas Chaucer LaRochefoucauld GreekEnglish TheDivineComedy ...