What connects the brain to the peripheral nervous system? What are cholinergic neurons? How do axons and dendrites work together in the brain? What is a bundle of neurons called? What type of neurons are in the brain? What type of nerve fibers connect thalmus to the cerebral cortex?
What myelinates axons in the peripheral nervous system? What is the brainstem? What is the hypoglossal nerve? What are Langerhans cells? What is translational neuroscience? What is a presynaptic neuron? What is a bundle of neurons called?
The retina is also more accessible than other areas of the central ner- vous system, thus making it a simpler model to work with and study. By utilizing the retinal model, we can greatly increase our knowl- edge of the cell death processes initiated by ischemia which lead to degeneration ...
The outer, thicker layer serves the role of a protective shield and is called the dura matter. The basic unit of the central nervous system is the neuron (nerve cell). Billions of neurons allow the different parts of the body to communicate with each other via the brain and the spinal co...
Fill in the blank: A bundle of myelinated axons in the CNS is called a(n) ___. Which of the following myelinate CNS axons? a. Schwann cells b. satellite cells c. microglia d. astrocytes e. oligodendrocytes f. ependymal cells Which...
Fill in the blank: A bundle of myelinated axons in the CNS is called a(n) ___. What separates the two cerebral hemispheres? The portion of the brain that allows the two hemispheres of the cerebrum to communicate with each other is called {Blank}....
The autonomic nervous system is comprised of (clustered) nerve cells, (neurons), that have a characteristic tree-like structure. There is the soma, (main cell body), the dendrites, ( branches extending in all directions), the axon, (an elongation of the soma) and the axon terminals....
What is typically found within the sinuses of a lymph node? (a) red pulp (b) a fibrous capsule (c) reticular fibers (d) blood Lymph Nodes: Lymph nodes are specialized structures within the lymphatic system that serve the purpose of filteri...
The spinal cord is constantly receiving information about the environment we are in and adjusting and adapting behavior based on this information.Answer and Explanation: The peripheral nerve contains both sensory and motor axons. As these axons get closer to the central nervous sys...
Fill in the blank: Large multipolar neurons located in the cerebellum are called ___. What is a motor unit? a. All the myofibrils in a muscle fiber b. A muscle fiber and all the motor neurons that innervate it c. A spinal nerve...