asbestosis combined with smoke inhalation can prove even more toxic and cause the asbestosis to reach advanced stages rapidly. A person who has asbestosis and who smokes, according to researchers, is 55 times more likely to develop cancer than a non-smoker who does not suffer from asbestosis...
What is Bronchitis Bronchitis is an inflammation or swelling of the bronchi. Bronchi are the passageways that move air into the lungs. If you look at a picture of the anatomy of a lung like the one appearing here on your screen, the bronchi are what look like upside down broccoli stalks...
What is Bronchitis Bronchitis is an inflammation or swelling of the bronchi. Bronchi are the passageways that move air into the lungs. If you look at a picture of the anatomy of a lung like the one appearing here on your screen, the bronchi are what look like upside down broccoli stalks...
Bronchoalveolarlavageis a surgical procedure used to obtain samples of fluid washings from the lining of the respiratory tract, specifically around the alveolar and bronchial spaces. The bronchi are structures in the lungs which act as a passageway for air going in and out of the lungs. Alveoli ...
Chronic bronchitis develops because, over time, the continual inflammation of the lining of the bronchi results in scarring of the bronchial tubes. In addition to the above list, those with chronic bronchitis may experience: - a cough that's worse in the mornings and during damp weather ...
Thank you for explaining what it is that the bronchioles do. I'm really interested in how the human body works, but I don't remember learning much about bronchioles. I wish I would have paid more attention in school! I knew that bronchitis has more to do with the bronchi, but I thoug...
-isacanceroftheliningofthelungs(pleura)ormorerarely oftheliningoftheabdominalcavity(peritoneum).Mesotheliomahasalong latencyperiod,averagingbetween35to40years;howeverthismayvary between15and67years.Thediseaseisalmostalwaysassociatedwith asbestosexposure. LungCancer:-isamalignanttumourofthebronchiofthelungs.The...
Bronchitis or Bronchial Infection is usually caused by persistent lung infections, most of which is viral. The most common culprit is air pollution, mainly the industrial pollution, which is a major cause of chronic bronchial infection or chronic bronchi
Bronchiectasis is a condition that causes mucus to collect in your child's airway. Chronic respiratory infections or inflammation cause the bronchi to become thick. Bronchi are larger airways that help carry air in and out of your child's lungs. The lungs make mucus to trap and remove germs ...
Bronchitis is a disease of the lower respiratory tract which occurs when the bronchial tubes get irritated and inflamed. This results in heavy mucus production of the inner bronchial lining and a narrowing of the bronchi, making breathing difficult. There are two types of bronchitis, acute and ch...