百度词条上“脑雾”(Brain Fog)是患者用来描述“注意力不集中”“记忆力下降”“脑子转不动”的用语,指他们具有严重的、持续的认知缺陷,或其执行功能、工作记忆、多任务处理能力受损。“脑雾”的字面意思也很形象:脑海就像被浓雾笼罩。什么是脑雾呢?最初神经学家认...
Brain fog has been on people’s minds in more ways than one during the pandemic and after the recentlockdownversary. Whether you’re struggling to concentrate in meetings, finding creative thinking nearly impossible, or you’ve lost interest in cracking into that latest bestseller, brain fog has...
Understanding Brain Fog and Its Causes Many people experience brain fog at one time or another. Both the symptoms and the cause may vary, however. When it happens, it can be very distressing. What Is Brain Fog? Brain fog is not a medical term, but more of a graphic description of the...
What is Brain Fog? Brain fog isn’t a medical condition, but rather a generalized feeling of being unfocused, spaced out, and lacking mental clarity. It can be caused by any number of underlying health issues — includinglong COVID[1]— so you should definitely see a doctor if it’s be...
Brain fog is exactly what it sounds like: a feeling something like being shrouded by a thick fog, not quite able to grasp ideas, feeling confused or disoriented, and having trouble concentrating or recalling memories. Sufferersdescribe experienceswith brain fog as lapses in memory and concentration...
What Causes Brain Fog?Nutrition Diva Monica Reinagel
is anyone else having brain fog at this point in the pandemic? i feel like my memory and ability to concentrate is horrible — rae paoletta (@PAYOLETTER)March 15, 2021 the INSIDE OUT panel of emotions in my brain has been taken over by one controller named "pandemic brain fog" ...
Has your head ever felt a little foggy in the middle of the afternoon or after a really stressful week? You're not the only one. This is called brain fog, and it can be experienced by anyone (especially high school and college students). To better your mental health,Girls' Lifesp...
Has your head ever felt a little foggy in the middle of the afternoon or after a really stressful week? You're not the only one. This is called brain fog, and it can be experienced by anyone (especially high school and college students). To better your mental health,Girls' Lifes...
What Is a Cliché? Aclichéis a tired, stale phrase or idiom that, because of overuse, has lost its impact. What was once a fresh way of looking at something has become a weak prop for writing that feels unimaginative and dull. Clichés are what you write when you don’t have the en...