In such a context, 'karma' is used to mean what from the classical point of view should be called the result of karma. Various forms of the karma theory are found in all the three main religions that began in ancient India:brahminism/Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. ...
“This alone is Truth, and everything else is false”.' 『只有这才是真理,余者皆假』。」 Asked by the young Brahmin to explain the idea of maintaining or protecting truth, 那年轻的婆罗门,就请佛解释应如何护法。 the Buddha said: ‘A man has a faith. 佛说:「如人有信仰, If he says ...
Regardless, i doubt the word "gandhabba" ("song-maker") literally means "being to be born" because the word "gandhabba" exists extensively in both Brahmanism & Buddhism. You appear to have looked the fact in MN 93 the Brahmins held the same view therefore, based on MN 93, this ...
and understanding it (vijja) would be what is the opposite of avijja."Do not have blind faith, but also no blind criticism" - the 14th Dalai Lama "The Blessed One has set in motion the unexcelled Wheel of Dhamma that cannot be stopped by brahmins, devas, Maras, Brahmas or anyone...
What is the history of Hinduism? What are the five articles of faith in Sikhism? Is there more than one form of Sikhism? What do the Vedas teach? What is the difference between a guru, a Brahmin, and a rishi? What do Hindus practice? Who is Vishnu in The Bhagavad Gita? What are...
什么叫做“涅槃” | What is "Nibbāna"? 答疑解惑 Q&A 什么叫做“涅槃”? What is "Nibbāna"? 现在暂不详细解答,这里可简单解释为“逝世”。 This will be fully explained later. It may be simply interpreted as death. 佛涅槃前后的情形是怎样?
“Buddhism is not about either believing or not believing in God or gods. Rather, the historical Buddha taught that believing in gods was not useful for those seeking to realize enlightenment. In other words, God is unnecessary in Buddhism, as ...
Jatakais a type of literature from India also known as the Jatakas or the Jataka tales. They contain stories of the previous lives of Gautama Buddha. These include Buddha in both animal and human forms. These stories are extremely popular and are valued in all branches of Buddhism. ...
66K Indian citizens were organized in a caste system, one where there are levels of hierarchy (castes) dictating individuals' roles and value. Learn of the four major castes and the influence of Buddhism on the social fabric of early India. Related...
What is the caste system? 种姓制度是雅利安人进入印度之后创立的。“种姓”这个词儿是从梵语“Varṇa”(P. Vaṇṇa)翻译过来的,它原来的字义是“颜色”或“品质”。照他们的说法,肤色白的雅利安人是品质高贵的种族,深色皮肤的达罗毗荼(Dravida)族和其他土著民族是品质低贱的种族。这种制度原来是用以划分雅...