What’s Included on Your YachtYour charter includes a number of amenities to help you feel right at home. From linens to flash lights and full range of kitchen supplies, we provide it all so you can rest easy and enjoy your time on the water. On a Moorings Charter Holiday there is no...
there are two categories of crews who run a yacht. There's the exterior crew, which consists of the deckhands and a bosun or first officer. They are responsible for cleaning the
Luke Jones may be the most notorious crew member ever to board aBelow Deckyacht. The Australian native joinedBelow Deck Down Underseason 2as the bosun and initially seemed like a decent guy. However, his behavioral issues and creepiness became evident when he started trying his luck with femal...
the franchise’s third spinoff about a group of young crew members and their no-nonsense captain, Jason Chambers, on the Northern Sun yacht. In the second episode aired that night, titled “The Turnover Day,” viewers witnessed bosun Luke Jones crawl into steward Margot Sisson’s bed nak...
WATCH EPISODES This video is not available in your location.Back S11 E1505/06/24 CLIPBarbie Pascual Wonders What Things Will Be Like with Kyle Stillie in "the Real World" Details Most Recent Clips
The Chief Stew on a yacht will be at the beck and call of the guests and will need to be prepared to work night shifts. This is not the 9 to 5 life! A successful Chief Steward will be flexible, cheerful, polite, hardworking and willing to rise to the challenge - whatever that, of...