How is the forest biome endangered? What are the dominant wildlife in temperate forests? What types of wolves are endangered? How many different species of animals are typically in a boreal forest? What animals live in a temperate deciduous forest?
What is the soil type in a coniferous forest? What is the largest area of boreal forest on Earth? What type of soil is in the temperate deciduous forest? What type of soil is in the deciduous forest? What continents have boreal forests?
A forest is a large area covered with trees, while a rainforest is a dense, wet forest found in tropical regions.
Wood is a hard, fibrous material from trees, used in construction and making items; a forest is a large area covered predominantly with trees and undergrowth.
Segmentation goodness evaluation is a set of approaches meant for deciding which segmentation is good. In this study, we tested different supervised segmentation evaluation measures and visual interpretation in the case of boreal forest habitat mapping in Southern Finland. The data used were WorldView-...
Forestry and land-use change are leading causes of habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation worldwide. The boreal forest biome is no exception, and only a small proportion of this forest type remains intact. Since forestry will remain a major land-us
The image produced is called a ‘photomicrograph.’ Placing the camera’s production year into Dad’s career timeline, he would likely have been working in Edmonton, and documents for the camera indicate it being sold in 1957-58. Looking back to who my father was, I can readily associate ...
We can see the forest, which is an ecosystem. Within the forest, we might be able to see single trees - these are individuals. In the farmland, we are looking at communities. Sometimes in farmland, within a single field, we may be looking more at a population, because all the plants ...
Plants are so interesting. Did you know that there is a variety of conifer plant, the Lodgepole Pine, that literally can't reproduce unless it gets burnt down in a forest fire? No kidding -- the seed pods in it are formed so that they won't release seeds unless the tree is hit with...
communities in beech forests, (2) are species richness and community composition driven by the same variables, (3) is species richness correlated between species groups, and (4) which arthropod groups may be suitable for a general trend or targeted monitoring (i.e., effect of forest management...