BORDER barriersMEXICO-United States borderEXHIBITIONSNATIONAL Building Museum (U.S.)Describes the exhibition "The Wall/El Muro: What Is a Border Wall?" hosted at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. from November 6, 2022 to July 3, 2023....
protocol and destinationport numberare checked. The packet is dropped, meaning it isn't forwarded to its destination if it doesn't comply with the firewall's rule set. For example, if a firewall is configured with a rule to blockTelnetaccess, then the firewall drops packets destined...
A firewall decides which network traffic is allowed to pass through and which traffic is deemed dangerous. Essentially, it works by filtering out the good from the bad, or the trusted from the untrusted. However, before we go into detail, it helps to understand the structure of web-based n...
If a traditional firewall is a border guard that checks your background story, inspects your papers, and asks you about your purpose of travel, a next-generation firewall does all of that, then frisks you and searches your luggage. They look at the contents of each network packet and com...
An Access Control List (ACL) is a packet filter that filters packets based on rules. One or more rules describe the packet matching conditions, such as the source address, destination address, and port number of packets. For packets that match the ACL rules configured on a device, the devic...
Firewall-as-a-Service, or FWaaS for short, is another term for cloud firewalls. Like other "as-a-service" categories, such as software-as-a-service (SaaS) or infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), FWaaS runs in the cloud and is accessed over the Internet, and a third-party vendor update...
(EDCs) to access data and applications has come to an end. Simply protecting data centers (DCs) is no longer sufficient for meeting today's security requirements. Internet access is vital, but this brings many security threats and data leakage risks. To prevent this, there is a pressing ...
The next question that naturally follows, “What is WAN network?” is “What is WAN router?”. Also known as an edge router or border router, a Wide Area Network (WAN) router is a device that is responsible for routing data packets between WAN locations. ...
Arbitrage is a fundamental concept in finance, playing a crucial role in determining prices for assets like currencies, stocks, and much more. It refers to the simultaneous buying and selling of an asset in different markets to profit from any price differences. Many economic models presume these...
Arbitrage is when an asset (stocks, currencies, etc.) is bought in one market and sold in another for a higher price. The types of arbitrage are spatial, statistical, and merger arbitrage. The temporary price difference for the same asset between the two markets lets traders lock in profits...