Perhaps the best example is Dexter, the likeable blood-spatter expert for the Miami PD who also happens to be a serial killer ... but kills bad guys only. Here we have hero and villain rolled into one package. The moral complexity of the anti-hero causes the audience to question the ...
In addition to testing crime and accident scene blood, a forensic serologist is frequently an expert in blood spatter analysis as well. Specialists in this field can provide important information to police investigators regarding the height of the assailant, the direction from which the assault came...
Trigonometry, the study and measurement of triangles, is another common use of math in forensic science. Blood spatter analysts, for example, use trigonometry in their study of how blood from a human injury splatters on a wall or other surface. They draw lines from the victim’s body to the...
Trigonometry, the study and measurement of triangles, is another common use of math in forensic science. Blood spatter analysts, for example, use trigonometry in their study of how blood from a human injury splatters on a wall or other surface. They draw lines from the victim’s body to the...