Technology addiction is an impulse control disorder that involves the obsessive use ofmobile devices, the internet or video games, despite the negative consequences to the technology user. The disorder is also referred to asdigital addictionorinternet addiction. Technology addiction isn't currently inclu...
One in four deaths worldwide is due to thromboembolic disease; that is, one in four people die from blood clots first forming and then breaking off or embo
There is a broad range for the objects or “things” in the IoT, some of these objects can get different names in the literature, such as smart devices, mobile devices, smart things or smart objects. Smart devices are considered objects capable of communication and computation which range from...
Given the range of cognitive impacts associated with dementia, there is a great deal of focus on the potential for technology to support the independence and care of PLWD, and the quality of life of carers. Assistive technology has been described as technology devices that enable someone to ...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) causes high levels of global mortality. There is a global need to develop new antimicrobials to replace those whose efficacy is being eroded, but limited incentive for companies to engage in R&D, and a limited pipeline
But we don’t need studies to tell us what we already know through common sense. Your brain is an organ like any other; it needs a good supply of oxygenated blood to be at the top of its game, and a brisk walk in nature is a tried-and-true way to fill your lungs with clean ai...
One of the tasks that has become a priority for architects in the design of spaces after the pandemic is that of hygiene in indoor spaces and environments. Ventilation is a major aspect of indoor hygiene [4], [5]. Structural health depends on factors such as the height of the building an...
Malaria has inflicted serious morbidity and mortality across the globe. The major brunt of the disease has been on African, South-East Asian and South American countries. Proportionally, malaria has attracted global research priorities and this is eviden
In recent years, the application of digital technologies for learning purposes is increasingly discussed as smartphones have become an integral part of students’ everyday life. These technologies are particularly promising in the so-called “transition-in” phase of the student lifecycle when first-...
complex, intricate, and still a matter of debate. The healing process of the grafted ACL and its ultimate role in restoring normal function of the knee is still not completely understood; however, we aim to summarize the most current evidence to help guide decision-making in eventual safe ...