In biblical times, clothing was also a symbol of status and identity. Jesus challenges His followers to not be consumed by concerns over outward appearances or societal status, but to trust in God's provision and focus on inner spiritual beauty. Is not life more than foodHere, Jesus ...
Jesus is urging His followers to break the confines of their social and religious circles, promoting a love that is inclusive and universal. This teaching aligns with the broader biblical narrative of God's love for all humanity, as seen in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). what are ...
CBMW, A Coalition for Biblical Sexuality, released their Nashville Statement today, and it is exactly as anti-LGBTQ+ as you might expect. I’m not sure why they felt the need to articulate in a formal statement what they have been saying for years: that LGBTQ+ people are outside the fo...
Jerry is arelentlessencourager. He loves people, and he knows how to bring out the best in a person. His wise refrain, “You are doing great! But you need to turn over more rocks and look to God for the answers,” has helped me numerous times to seek new opportunities and believe. ...
and our lives fall short of the biblical ideals? Before I wrap up, I want to link meditating to ‘renewing our minds’. Our minds are like a computer, and our habits, thoughts and memories make up the software and input. When we are baptized into Christ the power of demons is broken...
Martin Luther was essentially a preterist, which is in biblical error (seeThe Dangerous Rise of Preterists; there is also a related sermon video is titledPreterism: You've Gotta Be Kidding...Right?). Martin Luther' German Translation of the Bible ...
As I crest the hill overlooking Pevely, Jackson Browne’s warped mantra sends a rush up my spine via the rear speakers: “Time running out, without a shadow of a doubt, time running out. …” There is something more than a little macabre about racing to a man’s execution. Life may ...
In the biblical world sin is, from its first appearance, tragic and mysterious. It is tragic because it represents a fall from the high original status of humankind. Created in God's image, Adam and Eve are good but immature, fine but breakable, like glass dishes. They are without flaw,...
The Constitution is based on biblical law, which is also the basis of our legal system. The Constitution is not a living document to be changed by the morally relativistic views of a few Supreme Court Justices, devoid of knowledge of divine law. “Good intentions will always be pleaded for...
1) This is really well done! 2) Are you a dreamer? If so, are you familiar with the book “The Divinty Code”? (Adam Thompson, Adrian Beale) It has been an amazing resource for biblical dream interpretation for me and my wife (both heavy dreamers). The metaphor dictionary is quite ...