In its biblical meaning, two functions of the word are used: 1. Of a covenant between God and man; e.g., God covenanted [or promised] with Noah after the flood that a like judgment should not be repeated. It is not precisely like a covenant between men but was a promise or agreemen...
After coming to God, knowing that we are only saved by His grace through faith, we must then let go of the world and allow His transforming power to renew us and make us new in His image–“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; beho...
“Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail” (Revelation 11:19). There is something absolutely majestic about watching a storm from afar. The intensity...
This makes fornication even more dangerous, in this sense, than adultery. Both fornication and adultery are acts of infidelity. But if he is repentant, a man who has committed adultery understands something of how he’s broken trust, and attacked a covenant. He can see that even when his ...
It is an important history book as well as a piece of literary work. Alfred’s third contribution is that he created a style of Anglo-Saxon prose which was not obscure. 871年,阿尔弗雷德成了威赛克斯之王,他对英国文学的贡献包括以下三个方面:①一些具有教育价值的拉丁文书籍被翻译成西撒克逊方言。
Every year, on Yom Kippur afternoon, we read the biblical book of Jonah, the story of a reluctant prophet who tries to run away from God and ends up being swallowed, and then spit out, by a giant fish. It is a story of repentance, forgiveness, and learning to do better next time....
What Is the Biblical Context for the Mystery of Iniquity? The concept of the mystery of iniquity is primarily discussed in the writings of the Apostle Paul. In2 Thessalonians 2:7,he writes, “For the mystery of iniquity is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so unti...
Humans are sinful, sure, but they’re also treasured by God and a crucial part of his plan for humanity. The biblical story is not about how terrible people are. It’s about God’s plan for the world and how he will restore and heal the image of God in humans and fulfill the ...
— What is a woman, what is a man, what is a married couple? —Abarim Publications' online Biblical Greek Dictionary σαρξ The noun σαρξ (sarx) means flesh, that is to say: the soft tissue of a living organism, often mentioned in one breath with αιμα (haima), blood, ...
Dr. Jim Hamilton (@DrJimHamilton) is professor of Biblical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (@SBTS) and preaching pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church (@KenwoodBC). Bible Gateway interviewed Dr. Hamilton about his book, What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bible’s Sto...