I wanna start a new discussion Can Ichigo Still Use Hollowfication or did he lose his hollow powers my personal opinion isyes he does still have hismask and vaste lorde transformation now i believe that ichigos shikai is tied mostly to his quincy powers while his bankai is tied to his shin...
86C:\Windows\bankai-pc_020716\oxy.exePrivoxyThe Privoxy team - www.privoxy.org3.0.24373247D82D50DBC3AFDCEF5838A36B3296F86 87C:\WINDOWS\wwww-2e7a0cd5cb_020716\oxy.exePrivoxyThe Privoxy team - www.privoxy.org3.0.24373247D82D50DBC3AFDCEF5838A36B3296F86 ...