A balance of payment deficit is a situation in which a country has more money leaving it than coming into it. When this happens...
请问下,What is the current account balance of a nation with a government budget deficit of128 billion,private saving of 806 billion,and domestic capital formation of$777 billion? 答案 1280亿美元政府预算赤字,8060亿美元私人储蓄,国内资本组成7770亿美元,这个国家的现金帐户余额是多少?会翻译,不会算,你...
The Belt and Road Initiative is a creative development that takes on and carries forward the spirit of the ancient silk routes – two of the great achievements in human history and civilization. It enriches the ancient spirit with the zeitgeist and culture of the new era, and provides a platf...
I think the third definition of the balance of payments is what people usually think of when they talk about trade deficit. It’s no secret that the United States has been experiencing a big trade deficit with other nations for quite some time now. Basically that means that we are importing...
Shifts in the balance of payments In general terms, the balance of payments tends to shift in a cyclical manner. When the UK economy is strong, more spending on imports leads to a current account deficit, while during periods of low economic growth spending on imports drops and the deficit...
(a) What is the balance in the current account? (b) What is the balance in the capital account? Balance of Payment: In international trade, the balance of payment consists of two accounts: the current account and the capita...
A deficit, in the context of economics and finance, refers to a situation where expenditures exceed revenues or income within a specific period, resulting in a negative balance or shortfall.
首付款 【答案】: down payment 59 .临终关怀医院 【答案】: hospice 0 .和谐社会 【答案】: harmonious society 1 .人口普查 【答案】 : population census 2 .八荣八耻 【答案】: eight dos and eight don ts 3 .贸易逆差 【答案】: trade deficit 4 .网上预定 【答案】: online booking 5.司法机构...
Essentially, this type of account keeps track of transactions related to international reserves and central bank assets that are transferred among nations to settle either a balance of payment deficit or surplus. Key Takeaways An official settlement account is used to track and account for internation...
A debtor nation will have a negative balance of trade, or trade deficit, because the amount of money coming into the country from outsides sources is greater than the amount of money and exports the country sends out. A trade deficit typically occurs when a country’s production cannot meet...