A vitamin C injection is an administration of a vitamin C solution through a needle, provided in situations such as when a patient cannot take pills, a large amount of the vitamin is needed, or a doctor wants it delivered as rapidly as possible. Vitamin C injections can be administered in...
I use the notion of supervenience as it allows presenting the main point in a more perspicuous way. Nothing substantial for the purposes of my reasoning, however, hangs on this particular choice. There is a recent trend in metaphysics based on the idea that modal notions are not suitable for...
my breath is awful! I'm thinking a drop of peppermint oil. I used it on some varicose veins, a scab on my leg, that's been there since the end of Sept., a muscle on my other leg that needed some serious stretching, I believe I had permanently strained it a while back, I also...
a protein necessary for the absorption of the vitamin) used to be fatal until scientists figured out death could be prevented by feeding patients raw liver, which contains high amounts of B12. But anemia is the final stage of a deficiency. Long before anemia...
Rhonda is a big proponent of nutrigenomics, the idea that specific patterns (SNPs) in our DNA illuminate how we as individuals handle certain foods in our diet. Examples of genes that are noteworthy for diet choices include: MTHFR – can affect folic acid synthesis PPAR alpha – can affect ...
Look for GMO-free labels whenever possible or buy organic (which always means a product is not genetically modified). Microwave Popcorn: From the chemically-lined bag to the actual contents, microwave popcorn is at the center of lung cancer debates around the world. Not only are the kernels ...
“All animal food is bad for you!” Never, of course, does this film note that whole eggs are rated the highest in biological value of all foods (a perfect 100, along with breast milk); that they don’t raise cholesterol in the vast majority of us; and a plethora of new studies co...
Your Vitamin B6 and B12 levels may be down also, so I would suggest a multivitamin with all of the B vitamins in it because when you cook food, say meat, you lose a lot of the content of vitamins B 6 B12 and B2. This is because B2 and magnesium are needed so the body can ...
Dr. Namrita Brooke is a full-time endurance sport coach and sport nutritionist advising active individuals and amateurs to professional athletes. She is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Movement Sciences and Health at University of West Florida. Professionally, she also serves on the...
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is important to promoting healthy bones, skin and connective tissues. It also promotes healing because it is needed in the formation of collagen, a protein your tissues and skin are made of.It is also needed to absorb iron, a mineral needed for the formation ...